
Clouds on Teja-Rana Rakshasa Raja

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What happened to Rakshasa Raja

Teja-Rana Rakshasa Raja
Teja-Rana Rakshasa Raja

Teja, once a celebrated director known for blockbuster hits like "Jayam," has faced a challenging period in recent years. His inconsistent track record, with only "Nene Raju Nene Mantri" achieving success, has raised concerns about his upcoming project, "Rakshasa Raja," starring Rana Daggubati.

A History of Unfinished Projects:


Teja's filmography is marked by several stalled projects, raising doubts about "Rakshasa Raju's" fate. Previously, films like "Ata Nade Veta Nade" with Venkatesh and an untitled project with Gopichand were announced but never materialized. Even plans for a sequel to his son's debut film were abandoned due to commercial viability concerns.

Lack of Updates and Speculation:

The lack of updates regarding "Rakshasa Raju" has fueled speculation about its status. Despite the initial announcement and reported script depth, there has been no news on casting, shooting schedules, or any other developments.

Rana's Busy Schedule:

Meanwhile, Rana Daggubati is occupied with shooting for "Vettayan" alongside Rajinikanth, showing no indication of involvement with Teja's project. The absence of any promotional activities or discussions about "Rakshasa Raju" further raises doubts about its progress.

Uncertainty Looms:

While Teja's talent and Rana's star power initially generated excitement, the lack of concrete information and Teja's history of abandoned projects have cast a shadow of uncertainty over "Rakshasa Raja." Whether the film will overcome these challenges and eventually reach the audience remains a question mark.


Teja's journey in the film industry has been a rollercoaster ride. While he has delivered remarkable films in the past, his recent struggles and the lack of clarity surrounding "Rakshasa Raja" have left fans and industry insiders wondering about his future endeavors.

Tags:   TEJA 5