
Satya Sai life period is 95 years!

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Satya Sai life period is 95 years!
Satya Sai life period is 95 years!

Spiritual guru and god man Satya Sai Baba’s health is although being stable but it is critical case being respiration is supplied from external machines. Doctors attending him are expressing satisfaction and medial bulletins released by Dr. Safaya show positive frame of mind hoping for a total recovery of Baba.

Few of the die hard devotees are of a belief that Sai Baba is very much conscious of his medical condition. Sai himself being a god preached his followers in a sermon that his total life period is 95 years and later he would go into a self Samadhi. ‘There is nothing of a situation to panic. Baba is well informed by almighty to undergo this illness at the age of 83 years. He will come back strongly,’ said a member of Sai Trust in Hyderabad.
