
High alert in the state on swine flu

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High alert in the state on swine flu
High alert in the state on swine flu


 The  Government of Andhra Pradesh has further heightened level of swine flu alert in view of a surge in the cases of H1N1 flu cases across the country. Responding to  the reported  death of  one swine flu  victim in the  city, Health Minister Danam Nagender said on Wednesday that it still has yet to be confirmed. He  averred that the government had taken all the necessary precautions and there was no cause for panic


People  need not be  scared about the  swine flu as the authorities are taking  the necessary precautions to educate the  people on  the  severity of this disease and the  right prescription for its treatment. Help desks have been set up at railway stations and bus stands to identify passengers coming from Mumbai and Pune and other affected cities , the  Minister  added.

 “So far the state had reported 74 confirmed cases of swine flu and of them 72 had been fully treated and discharged from hospitals. Only two cases are undergoing treatment. The situation is fully under control”, he said. Since April last, when the swine flu alert was declared international passengers were screened at the Hyderabad International Airport and 221 cases were referred to detailed medical examination.

“Only 74 tested positive during past two and a half months”, he told the media. The first case of confirmed swine flu was found in Hyderabad on May 16 when a US- returned passenger tested positive. The Hyderabad district medical and health officer, Jaya Kumari said that the administration had launched awareness campaign in all the 2,200 odd schools in the state capital. “We are distributing pamphlets and making presentations to create awareness about the necessary precautions to be taken against swine flu”, she said.