Young Tiger Ntr is currently busy with RRR multi starrer with Ram Charan under the direction of Rajamouli. He is also starring in the direction of Koratala Shiva and also has his next with Prashant Neel. Apart from it, he is also in talks with a couple of star directors.
In the midst of all this, reports are coming that NTR who is known as a family man is planning to send his kids Abhay Ram and Bhargav Ram to the US along with his wife Lakshmi Pranathi. Inside talk is Lakshmi Pranathi is keen on starting a business on her own and so in order to pursue her goals, she is planning to undergo a course in Business in the US.
As Lakshmi Pranathi is planning to go to US, NTR decided to send his children along with their mother. These rumors are going viral though nothing is out officially.