
RGV a Parasite on Mega Heroes! So, No Reaction of Mega Heroes!

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RGV a Parasite on Mega Heroes!

RGV a Parasite on Mega Heroes!
RGV a Parasite on Mega Heroes!

If at all RGV's story is written by any author (of course, it's a useless exercise), he needs to allot 25% content on RGV's hatred of mega heroes, more particularly on Power Star Pawan Kalyan. 

As is known, RGV is all set to malign the reputation of Pawan Kalyan through a satirical movie 'Power Star'. Earlier, he hinted that he would also touch personal aspects of Pawan Kalyan's life. 


Wonder what, none of the mega heroes has any rivalry on RGV. With best of every movie buff's knowledge, none of the media houses published any news on mega heroes hurting RGV. In such case, what might have prompted RGV exhibiting such extreme hatred on mega heroes? Doesn't he have even 1% of humanity? 

RGV provoked a lady psycho to abuse Pawan Kalyan's mother. Besides, he allegedly prompted Poonam Kaur to go against Pawan Kalyan.

Some analysts opined that RGV depends upon mega heroes like a parasite to get a feed through satires and criticism on them. That's why, mega heroes haven't countered so as not to grab his food. 

According to the head of a top Youtube channel 'Charan TV Online', RGV is a sadist. Following is the link of that interesting video. 

RGV a Sadist: