
All Shops Can Open, All Buses Can Run, But

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All Zones in Telangana Become Green Zones, Except Containment Zones

All Are Green Zones in Telangana Except Containment Zones
All Are Green Zones in Telangana Except Containment Zones

CM KCR offered many relaxations apart from declaring all zones as green zones in Telangana except containmnet zones. The CM chaired the cabinet meet on Monday evening and took many resolutions on ongoing lockdown and agriculture sector.  Following are the excerpts of his speech on lockdown's relaxations. 

* Lockdown has been extended upto May 31.


* Except containment zones, all zones are treated green zones in Talangana. A total of 1452 families are living in containment zones. Essentials will be sent to the families in containment zones through door delivery.

* Vaccine won't get invented in near future. Let's live with coronavirus else there is no other option with us.

* All shops can be opened in all areas including Hyderabad other than containment areas. However, the shops should be run on even and odd basis.

* Salons can be operated.

* E-Commerce is allowed.

* All government offices can be operated observing the norms of social distancing.

* RTC buses will run in the state. However, inter state bus services won't be operated. City buses won't run in Hyderabad city.

* All educational institutions, religious places, metro rails, meetings, bars, gyms, parks, amusement parks won't be allowed.