
Telugu Medium Teachers in EM Schools?

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Telugu Medium Teachers in EM Schools?
Telugu Medium Teachers in EM Schools?

An interesting news was spotted in today's Telugu newspapers. According to this, the AP government has decided to establish complete English Medium schools wherein the number of English Medium students exceeds to 250 in Success (Strengthening and Universalization quality and access to Secondary Schools) schools. Currently, both Telugu and English media are running in Success Schools. Even then, no posts of Headmaster and subject teachers were sanctioned for English Medium in success schools as of now. As such, the teachers, who are teaching Telugu Medium sections, have been teaching for EM sections despite their poor English language skills. 

As the government decided to establish full-fledged EM schools, every institution gets a new HM post and subject teachers. However, it is learnt that the government has decided to fill these posts through promotions of teachers. Since most of the teachers are of with TM background, they may utterly fail in teaching EM students. It looks awkward a Headmaster delivering a message in Telugu to EM students in school assemblies and other occasions. Hence the purpose of introducing EM schools will not be served and quality education will not be possible.


As such, the government should follow the rules being implemented in Kendriya Vidyalaya, Navodaya and AP model schools in appointing the HM and teachers in new EM schools. The promotions should be given to the teachers who have EM background and rest of the posts can be filled with direct recruitment. Then only the quality education, which the government is dreaming for, will be possible under CCE mode of evaluation system, else, lakhs of students will be suffered.