
When Did Kona Meet Puri?

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Kona Venkat Shades in Puri Loafer Second Half Comedy

Kona Influence on Puri Jagannath Loafer Second Half Spoofs
Kona Influence on Puri Jagannath Loafer Second Half Spoofs

Continuing the down slide in career graph, Puri Jagannath is still showing same belief in the only sentiment of wrapping projects at jet speed with least preference to quality standards. Not just the screenplay or story selection, in fact Puri isn’t showing his promising skill in comedy department also. Off late, Puri’s new release ‘Loafer’ starring Varun Tej is devoid of trademark comic episodes.

May it be Ali as Spider Babu spoofing Pawan Kalyan ‘Thammudu’ or Brahmi’s spoofing on ‘Srimanthudu’ are considered as fade-out episodes which failed to impress none. Though spoofing isn’t new to Telugu cinema but its usage is becoming so vulnerable and when Puri is also following the same path, it sounds odd.


At the same time, Puri using two spoof episodes on two star comedians also exposed his creative hollowness. Some people were seen commenting, when did Kona Venkat meet Puri Jagan? Because, Kona is a master in exploiting super hit characters and films for making fun. Definitely, ‘Loafer’ second half had that evaporating Kona tinge.