
Chiranjeevi-Mohan Raja project making headway silently

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Interesting developments in Chiru new project

Chiranjeevi-Mohan Raja
Chiranjeevi-Mohan Raja

Legendary hero Megastar Chiranjeevi is teaming up with Trisha for the highly anticipated film "Vishwambhara," directed by Vashishta. Following this project, Chiranjeevi is set to collaborate once again with "Godfather" director Mohan Raja, generating significant buzz in the industry. New details about this upcoming venture are beginning to emerge.

Currently, the project is in the pre-production phase. Sources indicate that an official announcement regarding the film will be made in the first week of June. Additionally, Tamil film sources report that regular shooting is scheduled to commence this August.


Overall, it is evident that Megastar Chiranjeevi is meticulously planning his next steps in the film industry, ensuring that each project progresses smoothly and on schedule. Fans eagerly await these upcoming releases, anticipating another stellar performance from the beloved actor.

Vishwambhara is slated for a spectacular release during Sankranti 2025. The film is a socio fantasy thriller and mega fans are super excited.