
Damodar outbursts anger High Command

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Damodar outbursts anger High Command
Damodar outbursts anger High Command

A delegation led by Anantapur MP Anantha Venkatarami Reddy (Cong) on Thursday complained to party High Command about Damodar Reddy’s outbursts threatening to topple Rosaiah government in the state. Such public outcry would undoubtedly infuriate the powers that-be who may mull taking disciplinary action.

Former minister and Congress MLA Damodar Reddy, who has been spearheading the Telangnana movement, is in the eye of a storm recently with his fiery remarks bordering on indiscipline. He has incurred the wrath of many MLAs and MPs of Rayalaseema and Coastal Andhra by his militant approach to the Telengana statehood demand.


On Wednesday, he went to the extent of threatening the High Command, to bring down the Rosaiah Government with the help of MLAs from the Telengana region if a separate statehood  was not accorded immediately.

Such threats have upset the High Command which is contemplating to serve a show-cause notice on Damodar Reddy.

In view of the Centre  rereleasing  the terms of reference of  Sri Krishna Committee , Congress Working Committee member Kesahav Rao  has reached Delhi to hold  consultations  with senior  Congress leaders.