
Josh Subject: Rayalaseema unwilling to join with Andhra.

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Josh Subject: Rayalaseema unwilling to join with Andhra.
Josh Subject: Rayalaseema unwilling to join with Andhra.

This is one of the most interesting discussions going round in story boards. Many of the Rayalaseema and Andhra leaders are now speaking about the location of capital city for their newly formed State without Telangana and without Hyderabad.

Rayalaseema leader TG Venkatesh started to pose some restrictions to Andhra region for peacefull joining of Rayalaseema with Andhra and live combinely in the State that will be newly formed. Andhra leader Yalamanchi Shivaji, the witty brain of Agricultural Andhra declared that, again Andhra region is not willing to join with Rayalaseema with any prior conditions. He said that similar situation was raised during the time of formation of Andhra Pradesh when Telangana and Andhra along with Rayalaseema joined to become the first Linguistic State. A fitting example for this merger was “Gentlemen’s agreement” and “610 GO”.

But TG Venkatesh was sure that, if Rayalaseema join the hands with Andhra region in the State that will be newly formed, it will be only the repetition of History. How Telangana has suffered in the hands of Andhra settlers, same will apply to Rayalaseema in the newly formed State. So, TG Venkatesh demanded the location of capital city in Kurnool for which Shivaji is not all accepting.

Taking into consideration, the knowledge base of both these leaders, it will be a real tough fight between ANdhra and Rayalaseema regions for the merger, if Telangana state forms very soon. The above discussion looks only a curtain raiser.
