
Some leaders are creating regional feelings for their selfish ends: Raghuveera

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Some leaders are creating regional feelings for their selfish ends: Raghuveera
Some leaders are creating regional feelings for their selfish ends: Raghuveera

Hyderabad,Nov 9:Hitting out indirectly at Telanagana Rashtra Samiti party chief  K Chandrasekhara Rao,ministerfor Agriculture  Raghuveera Reddy said  that certain leaders are creating regional feelings among the people in  the state only for their selfish ends.Interacting with the media here on Monday,the minister said the charges leveled against the government regarding the disposal off the Telangana lands and other encroachments of Telangana lands are baseless.The government has allotted the lands for  the sake of industrial purpose and to attract investors to  the state.If the allotted land has been misused under any circumstances and if it is brought to the notice of the Government,then the  government is ready to take any action.

If it is established that  encroachments have been made then the  Government  will definitely swing into  take action to protect the land  from the encroachers,Raghuveera  asserted.TRS chief Kcr who left for  Delhi in a bid to revive the  separate Telangana issue is coming out openly with all such allegations trying to widen the rift between people  of Telangana and Andhra region.Kcr,who will be in Delhi for a couple of days will hold talks with Congress president Sonia Gandhi,Prime Minister Manmohan Gandhi,opposition leader LK Advani and other prominent leaders.


He is expected to subit a memorandum to Congress president  Sonia Gandhi and Prime Minister Manohan Singh pleading with them the cause of separate Telangana.After the recent assembly and  Lok Sabha elections,the TRs haslost much of its grund in many  of the segments.Keeping  away from Corporation pollsin Hyderabad scheduled for November 23 is another setback for the party cadre. Against the backdrop of such a scenario, Kcr may find the going  tough to succeed in his venture to revive the  separate Telangana  movem.