
Danam Nagender for Delhi today

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Danam Nagender  for Delhi today
Danam Nagender for Delhi today

Hyderabad,Nov 7: Andhra Pradesh Minister for Health and Medical services Danam  Nagender will leave for Delhi on Saturday afternoon,following the allegations charged against him by the party workers regarding the allotment of  tickets for Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation elections.According  to party sources it is learnt that  Danam Nagender will brief the party High command about the distribution of tickets for GHMC elections and the dissatisfaction brewing up among some of the MLAs leading to dharnas.It may be recalled some of the MLAs form Hyderabad,frustrated over the allocation of tickets have complained to the  High  Command over the  irregularities in the distribution of tickets.

The  crisis in the Congress party over alleged allotment of “tickets for cash”was so deep that it even forced the Health Minister and President of the Greater Hyderabad Congress Committee D.Nagender to tender his resignation for the party post.On Friday,he handed over his resignation to the PCC President D Srinivas.Danam Nagender apart from briefing the High command over the sale of tickets episode will also discuss the strategies of how to go about the  GHMC elections.Danam Nagender is expeced to meet Congress General Secretary in-charge Andhra Pradesh,Veerapppa Moily and Ahmed Patel.
