
CBN, Jagan planning strategies according to surveys

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CBN, Jagan in possession of various surveys

CBN, Jagan
CBN, Jagan

With the Andhra Pradesh election results just days away, the political landscape is heating up. After a whirlwind campaign that saw both Chief Minister Jagan Mohan Reddy and opposition leader N. Chandrababu Naidu jet-setting abroad, the leaders are now set to return to the state to oversee the counting process.

While Jagan’s family enjoyed a trip to London on the 17th, Chandrababu embarked on a family vacation to America on the 19th. However, the countdown to the results has spurred their return, with Chandrababu expected back in Andhra Pradesh within the next two days.


Reports suggest that Chandrababu will immediately delve into post-poll reviews, meeting with party candidates and leaders to assess the performance and strategize for the counting process. This includes analyzing exit polls, which are said to have been shared with both Jagan and Chandrababu, offering valuable insights into the election's outcome.

Jagan is expected to return to the state on the 30th, also focusing on a thorough review of the election campaign and a comprehensive strategy for the counting process. With the YSRCP confident in a victory, the party is determined to ensure a smooth and accurate count.

The air is thick with anticipation as the final days before the results unfold. The release of exit polls, conducted by various organizations, is anticipated on June 1st, potentially providing a glimpse into the potential outcome of the election. While the leaders are said to be equipped with these reports, the actual results remain a closely guarded secret, adding to the mounting tension and suspense.

The political landscape in Andhra Pradesh is set to become increasingly dynamic in the coming days as the state waits with bated breath to learn the outcome of the election.

Tags:   CBN 5