
What are CBN plans for his son Lokesh

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What CBN is planning for SON Rise

What are CBN plans for his son Lokesh
What are CBN plans for his son Lokesh

The Telugu Desam Party (TDP) is facing a growing call for a younger leadership, particularly in light of the recent election results. While the party has seen a surge in support from youth due to the alliance with Janasena chief Pawan Kalyan, there's a growing sense that a younger face is needed to lead the party in the long term.

Despite his tireless campaigning and evident dedication, there's a growing discussion within the TDP about the need for Chandrababu Naidu to consider stepping back from the leadership role. While many admire his dedication and experience, they believe his age and energy levels may not be sustainable for the demands of leading the party. Some even suggest that he should have begun handing over more responsibilities to his son, Lokesh, several years ago.


Lokesh has been actively involved in the party and has shown improvement in his political acumen over the past five years. This has led to discussions about his readiness to take on the reins of the party. TDP senior leader Buddha Venkanna has explicitly demanded that Lokesh be appointed as TDP President, while Chandrababu Naidu should focus on the role of Chief Minister if the party forms the government.

Venkanna's demand is seen as a strategic move to ensure a smooth transition of leadership. He believes that a combined leadership of Chandrababu as Chief Minister and Lokesh as party president would allow for a seamless functioning of both the government and the party.

While many junior leaders in the TDP support this transition, senior leaders are more hesitant. They believe that Chandrababu's experience is still crucial to the party and that he should remain the party president until 2029. They argue that leading a party in opposition and leading a government require different sets of skills and that Chandrababu possesses the necessary experience for both.

Despite the differing opinions, it is clear that Lokesh will need to play a more active role in the party's future. Political analysts suggest that while Chandrababu's guidance is valuable, Lokesh should be given more autonomy and opportunities to lead within the party.

The future of the TDP hinges on the decision Chandrababu makes. His next move will determine whether he is willing to pass the torch to the next generation of leaders.

Tags:   LOKESH 5