
Jagan losing big according to poll strategist

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PK reiterates his predictions on Jagan


PK reiterates his predictions on Jagan. Prashant Kishor, the strategist who played a crucial role in the YSR Congress Party's (YCP) landslide victory in 2019, predicts a stark reversal of fortune for the party in the upcoming elections. Having secured 151 seats under his guidance, YCP now faces the possibility of plummeting to a mere 51 seats, according to Kishor's latest assessment.

Kishor, who previously headed the I-PAC team but has since moved on, maintains that he harbors no animosity towards YCP or its leader, Jaganmohan Reddy. He recounts meeting Jagan in Delhi less than eighteen months ago, observing that the Chief Minister seemed complacent after his second consecutive victory. Jagan, according to Kishor, appeared to believe that he had no competition and was confident of securing 155 seats.


However, Kishor's analysis paints a different picture. He emphasizes that distributing welfare benefits is not enough to ensure electoral success. Governance and development are equally crucial, areas where he believes Jagan's government is faltering. He predicts that this lack of progress will lead to YCP's downfall, bringing them back to their pre-2019 position.

Kishor's prediction has sparked controversy, particularly within YCP, which has previously criticized him for his comments on Jagan's leadership. However, his insights offer a compelling perspective on the evolving political landscape of Andhra Pradesh, suggesting that the upcoming elections might witness a significant shift in power.

Tags:   JAGAN 4