
'Strip Tease Entertaining than Kuchipudi'

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'Strip Tease Entertaining than Kuchipudi'
'Strip Tease Entertaining than Kuchipudi'

Who else can make such daring, bold and open statements other than Ramgopal Varma? He is often known for out of the context speaking that result in sensationalizing of his name offering a lot of fame. One such tabloid where RGV shoots it straight happens to be in Sunday edition of a popular newspaper. This week, while RGV is sharing his views on excessive urbanization and the expanding city culture, he mentioned of every city having its wonderful women. Then, ‘the first Strip Tease I ever saw was at Vijaywada and then in Colaba in Mumbai. I personally find Strip Tease far more entertaining than a Kuchipudi or Bharata Natyam performance. Be, it a city or its women, it’s all about one’s state of mind,’ RGV concluded.

Well, although it is RGV’s personal opinion…one has to wait and see for the reactions from contemporary saviors of Indian Culture and Tradition who can’t visualize even a comparison of Bharata Natyam and Kuchipudi with Strip Tease. That is how RGV is made of?
