
Has Jr. NTR won against Mahesh Babu?

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Has Jr. NTR won against Mahesh Babu?
Has Jr. NTR won against Mahesh Babu?

The exceeding hype of ‘Oosaravelli’ release taking against ‘Dookudu’ is a rare clash of star egos in Tollywood. One might comment this as logics of business to make a film work at Box Office but early reports arriving from RR Movie Distributors on the second day about ‘Oosaravelli’ collecting nearly 16 Crores on first day and the restless promotion of these figures through every media source is ultimately aimed at only showing ‘Dookudu’ range as one step below ‘Oosaravelli.’

Even the same strategy was approached with 1800 screens allotted for ‘Oosaravelli’ release against a bit lower number than ‘Dookudu.’ Well, we are informed only on the first day records…one has to wait and see till next week to know, how far Junior Ntr has won over Mahesh Babu?
