
Love Me, Raju Yadav and others releasing today

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Today Reviews: LM, RY and others

Love Me, Raju Yadav
Love Me, Raju Yadav

Love Me, Raju Yadav and others releasing today.  This week of May will witness the release of small films like Big Brother, Raju Yadav, Silk Saree and Dirty Fellow. All these small films will be competing against each other on 24 May. 

Among them Raju Yadav is attracting the attention of all as it stars popular actor Get Up Sreenu. The movie is directed by newcomer Krishnamachary. 


Apart from this, on 25 May, a day later, Dil Raju's nephew Ashish Reddy is gearing up to thrill movie lovers with the horror film Love Me If You Dare. The film is directed by Arun Bhimavarapu stars Baby fame Vaishnavi Chaitanya as the female lead. Expectations are high on these films. 

Exhibitors are hoping that these films will bring people to the theatres and bring them profits.Stay tuned for Cinejosh reviews of the above in couple of hours from now.