
Brindavanam Spl: Junior NTR is a SMOKER!

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Brindavanam Spl: Junior NTR is a SMOKER!
Brindavanam Spl: Junior NTR is a SMOKER!

Yes, Junior Ntr is a Smoker. As per the words said by Cinematographer Chota K Naidu during this Brindavanam audio release, it makes clear that Junior Ntr is a Smoker. It was during the shooting of action episodes for ‘Brindavanam’ that Junior Ntr had a nasty accident and got stitches on his head. 

‘After that accident, even as a Cinematographer with 32 years of experience in field my mind went blank while director Vamshi was almost crying. But, Junior Ntr is such a strong person that he simply asked me for a Cigarette and started smoking in the car dialing the mobile number to KIMS Hospital Doctor. Even after such a deadly injury he was so casual,’ said Chota K Naidu.


Now, doesn’t it mean Junior Ntr is a smoker! Yes, Junior Ntr was laughing throughout…when Chota was speaking on stage.