
Big B double happy

Amitabh Bachchan has more than one reason to be joyful. He shared his joy of completing the fifth edition of KBC and also the new arrival at “Jalsa”, official residence of Bachchans.

He described how he spent the whole day looking at the “little one” and it is the one day he had on his own as he completed just concluded edition of KBC as the best one, which has a unique quality in it to connect with the people.

“A connect that has kept the people of this country together. That has made them realize that there are still many areas in our land that lack basics and that the people from the region do have their basics intact! That really is the irony of the situation. And that is why we feel so greatly about those individuals who persevere, struggle for years to get on to the much lauded and celebrated ‘hot seat’ for they know, that if there is something existing that can change their lives, it is this it is this it is this ! The KBC show in its true reality,” he wrote in his blog.


Coming back to the baby girl, the elated Dada Bachchan says,

“But.. what exists in reality is the new born.. its quiet and cuddled existence, covered from head to toe with specially constructed baby wear, its shut eyes and its occasional smile as it dreams of pleasant occurrences in this new world that she has entered …

Visitors pour in today, the space is crowded and full of eatable gifts – chocolates, cakes and more cakes!! They come they express and they write their first impressions and leave. The smiles on their faces signifying joy. This is good. Soon we shall be home and then shall start the process of bringing up. Of teaching and bearing and learning. Of etiquette and manners, of religious indoctrination, of schooling and further monitoring. The decisions to be taken of when and where and who. Eventually ending up with the selection of maturity and of the settling down and marriage … and then one day back to the condition we are in today.. of birth and happiness !, he proud grandfather says. 

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