
Tamannaah To Agerwal: What Are They Doing In Lockdown?

What Telugu Heroines Are Doing During The Lockdown?

Lockdown brought drastic changes in the lives of many. Almost all celebrities are sitting at home after getting an unexpected break from their busy shooting schedules. Let us see what few of the beauties are doing during the lockdown.

Milky Beauty Tamannaah says, “We are destroying nature for our selfish ends and this is resulting in such calamities. I am a full family person. I will be in my house during my free time. There is nothing happier than spending time with parents. Since I got free time, I am cooking on my own. My experiments in the kitchen make me feel that I would one day become a good chef. I am doing amla juice and it results in an increase in C vitamin. I am staying away from junk food.

I am completing all the pending works. I made my mother sit and I set the house in order. I used to sleep between dad and mom in my childhood. I am doing the same now. My mother tongue is Sindhi but I can talk Telugu more fluently than Sindhi. So I am planning to learn Sindhi. I am forcing my mother to speak with me in Sindhi. For long I wished to complete the Harry Potter series though it is not a priority in life. But I am fulfilling that small wish too. I am saddened that animals are facing troubles on the road. I observed that during lockdown our achievements and professions do not matter and everyone is the same".


Nidhi Agerwal says, “Lockdown brought a lot of change in me. I am understanding what is more important in life. Currently, I am sleeping in my mother's lap and recollecting my childhood memories. When my mother reminds me of my childhood naughtiness, I feel that those days will never come back. Since we gave holidays to all workers, I am working on my own. My desire increased to do something during the lockdown. I feel like going to orphanages and support the children. Once I come out I will definitely help them. Due to lockdown crimes decreased and even pollution is not there. The noise of the birds is giving peace of mind".

Esha Rebba says "I used to be busy with shooting. There was a complaint that I am not spending time with my family members. But that disappeared with the lockdown. I am spending time enjoying with them, cooking, reading books. However, I am not wasting time. Since it’s a competitive field, I am updating myself. I am listening to new stories and staying fit with workouts. After the disaster, my habit of helping people increased. I understood that if we try to rule nature, it will result in disaster. However, we need not be scared of seeing this calamity. If we stay safe at home, things will change for good".

Praneetha is helping 50 families during the lockdown and also raising funds with an NGO. She is educating people asking them to wear masks and stay at home. She says, “During such disasters, one realizes that all human beings are equal. How much ever we have, only a little amount of food to solve hunger. Corona changed the mindset of people. Those who used to think that name, fame and money are important, are forced to change their mindset. They realized that family relations are important."

Lavanya Tripathi says "Just like how I am staying away from social media, I practice social distancing. I come back home after the shooting was wrapped and stay at home in my free time. However, I am not negligent during corona. I am tear struck seeing people suffer from hunger. We should support them during this time. We should be by their side and also those who are in healthcare. I pray God that with the fight from the healthcare workers corona will get eradicated and we will not face such a situation again".

Anu Emmanuel says, "I am not unhappy with the break. I believe that whatever happens, happens for good. So I am not getting downcast with fear but is staying strong. My parents got struck in the USA. Though I am sad for them, I am completing my pending work. I am reading my favorite books, ‘To Kill a Mocking Bird’ and watching web series Imtiaz Ali's She. We can do many works during the lockdown and we can analyze our personality. It is time for increasing humanity which is decreasing every day".

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