
Unguru Unguru song from Cult Gang full of mass colors

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Unguru Unguru song from Cult Gang released

Unguru Unguru song from Cult Gang released
Unguru Unguru song from Cult Gang released

Mahesh Vitta, Rahul Raj Vanam, Tarak Satish, Vinay's starrer Cult Gang directed by Harsha Kodali is progressing at a brisk pace. The makers today released the song Unguru Unguru from the film and it at once attracted the attention of all. Bharadwaj Gali came with mass lyrics for the song while John K Joseph came with a peppy mass tune to drive masses crazy.

Swaraag Keerthan, John K Joseph & Kavya Chandana sang the song in a interesting, appealing and energetic manner coming with beautiful expressions to drive everyone crazy. Akhil Katta choreographed mass movements for the song.


Mahesh Vitta is romancing Praveena in the film and Mahesh himself is producing the film for which Harsha Kodali is the cinematographer.

The film is bankrolled on MVM Pictures banner. Masses are going crazy with the Cult Gang and they are waiting eagerly for the film's release.