
Pawan To Be Troubled With Two Issues

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Pawan To Be Troubled With Two Issues
Pawan To Be Troubled With Two Issues

A politician will not have a personal and political life separately. Both of them are bonded together which make him/her become a true and perfect politician. Much before the official announcement of Pawan Kalyan’s new party and much before any analysis on his agenda or basis on which the party foundations are laid, he became the prime target of politicians and media agencies.

Apparently, there are two issues which can trouble Pawan’s political career. According to them, they are third marriage with a Russian lady and YS Jagan’s ex-business supporter Prasad V Potluri in Pawan’s team. Already media started to blame Pawan on how could he justify the move of divorcing Nandini and Renu Desai for the third wife. Lately, Prasad Potluri seen besides Pawan Kalyan on many occasions and known for his political thirst to contest for Vijayawad MP Ticket is also not going well.
