
'Yevadu' Business in Misery

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'Yevadu' Business in Misery
'Yevadu' Business in Misery

Movie business is full of hurdles and more than producers or cast cum crew, it’s the exhibitors and area wise distributors easily prone to dangerous situations. Whatever may be the reason, whether they are politically motivated agitations or the financial sufferings of producer, final burden lands on the above said victims! As per the reports from our close trade circles, many small time exhibitors and major area wise distributors who paid pretty high advances reserving their rights on ‘Yevadu’ are now in a dilemma on what is really happening behind.

As the movie is postponed months by months, there is no facility of securing the interest from producer for their pad advances. On the other side, audiences are slowly losing the excitement on ‘Yevadu’ for obvious reasons. Amidst these many predicaments, business of ‘Yevadu’ is in a big mess. We have to wait and see on how ‘Yevadu’ will cross all these tumults.
