
JC dubs T-talks as 'waste of time'

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JC dubs T-talks as 'waste of time'
JC dubs T-talks as 'waste of time'

Former Minister J C Diwakar Reddy on Wednesday termed the on-going consultation on Telangana state formation as 'waste of time’.

Talking to media persons at Congress Legislature Party Office, Diwakar Reddy said that the Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh has clearly announced that the Andhra Pradesh would not be divided without reaching consensus on the controversial Telangana statehood issue. Even after the Prime Minister's statement, he said there was no point in continuing the discussion on Telangana.


The former minister said that the discussion on whether or not the Centre would constitute second States Reorganization Commission has become irrelevant now, especially after the Prime Minister's statement. He expressed confidence that the Congress leaders, who quit the party on Telangana issue, would rejoin soon.

Diwakar Reddy also said that there would be no impact on the State even after Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati introduces a resolution in the assembly to divide her State into four parts. He said the decision of the Prime Minister was important for the division of a state.