
Govt increased fares to protect RTC: PCC Chief

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Govt increased fares to protect RTC: PCC Chief
Govt increased fares to protect RTC: PCC Chief

Pradesh Congress Committee president Botsa Satyanarayana speaking to media at Gandhi Bhavan on Saturday stated that the state government has no intention to burden the people by increasing the fares of State Road Transport Corporation.

Government has increased fares only to protect the interests of RTC and due to hike in crude prices in international market.


He said the government is losing Rs 700 crores due to increase in petrol prices by the Centre .

The government would get Rs 500 crore through fare hike and would bear the remaining burden of Rs 200 crore.

He appealed to people to understand the situation and cooperate with the state government.

Responding on the Telangana issue, the PCC chief stated that the issue can be solved only through dialogue.

Botsa Satyanarayana said that he was contacting all leaders from both regions and eliciting their opinion.

Reacting on former minister J C Diwakar and Minor Irrigation Minister T G Venkatesh statement that the problem can be solved by sharing of Chief Minister post for Seemandra region for three years and two years for Telangana, the PCC chief took serious objection and advised the leaders not to link this sensitive issue with others.

He advised the leaders not to politicise former chief minister YSR’s death and claim his policies as themselves. The YSR policies belonged to the Congress party only, he stated.

He condemned the attack on Vijayawada MP Lagadapathi Rajagopal allegedly led by YSR Congress party activists in the district.