
I Know Jyo Is Hit On Paper

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Nara Rohit Confident On Jyo Achyuthananda

Nara Rohit, Naga Shourya and Regina in Jyo Achyuthananda
Nara Rohit, Naga Shourya and Regina in Jyo Achyuthananda

Nara Rohit is a very happy man. After a row of failures shook his career with lot of humiliation built around, he was eagerly waiting for a right break through. In fact, Rohit is one of those heroes who always tried to show innovative touch and versatility in story, director picking. However, Box Office result is the only thing which matters most which was eluding him.

‘Jyo Achyuthananda’ released yesterday doing is decent at ticket counters and Rohit is said to be enjoying these good moments with friends in USA. He attended a special premiere show in Virginia and planning to stay few more days promoting the film there.


‘The moment I heard this script from director Avasarala Srinivas, I was very confident. I kept on encouraging my producer Sai Korrapati that ‘Jyo Achyuthananda’ is already a hit on paper. We just worked to bring that essence on big screen,’ a happy Rohit informed. Nag Shourya and Regina were other leads in the movie.