
'AD' Hawa Drops in USA

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'AD' Hawa Drops in USA
'AD' Hawa Drops in USA

As we have analyzed earlier on absence of those quality elements in ‘Atharintiki Daaredi’ needed to have a long run with repeated audience is proving true. While collections in domestic market have dropped drastically in second week, now the same is reported from overseas. As per the reports Pawan Kalyan Mania has worked wonders at BO in first week but when it came to second week, turn out of audience at theatres is par below than what was expected by distributors and exhibitors. 

However, everyone has made profits with the film but how far the numbers of ‘Seethamma Vaakitlo Sirimalle Chettu, Dookudu’ will be crossed by ‘AD’ is  question of doubt in many minds. By the way, re-appearance of quality ‘AD’ piracy print on-line could be the reason for steep drop in Overseas revenues. Anyways, the conclusion is ‘AD’ hawa is dropped.
