
Manchu Vishnu's E-Business

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Manchu Vishnu's E-Business
Manchu Vishnu's E-Business

Enjoyed the big success of ‘Dhee’ as a hero, Manchu Vishnu’s career is going no where both as a producer and artist. Although entire Manchu family with Mohan Babu, Vishnu, Lakshmi and Manoj are giving their best shots to gain some prime identity, here comes one more business venture from Vishnu on the anvil. Yes, it was heard that this talented and versatile gentleman is planning to open a chain of play-schools (or call them pre-schools) throughout the city enabling the kids to get a good starter platform when they enter into real school age. Later on, Vishnu has the blueprint of extending these pre-schools up to High School Level in the future.

We do know that, Mohan Babau is doing the share of similar Educational Service with Vidyaniketan and now Vishnu is also following his dad’s foot steps. However, Vishnu will not leave movies as his upcoming ‘Dorakadu’ will hopefully offer him a needful break.
